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  1. Week start

    Be able to choose which day your calendar starts on. Our work schedule is a Saturday start and it would be nice to have my personal calendar do the same. I'd also like to see where we can choose which week is "week 1" so it has the ability to match corporate fiscal years.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Add memo back to to do list

    New version cannot add Memo to items in to do list. Please fix this issues so details can be added to items in list

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  4. Template color

    When you save a template allow the color associated with that template save as well

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  5. Wie kann man den "Excange" Kalender für neue Events fest voreinstellen?

    Wenn man unterwegs schnell einen Termin eingeben will und dabei vergisst, auf den "Exchange Kalender" umzustellen, ist der neue Termin nicht sichtbar.

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  6. More relative dates such as "last day of the week before _ day of the month"

    I work at my 2nd job Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday every week, and they run their twice monthly payroll on the 10th and the 25th. I am required to look ahead on a Thursday to see if the 10th or the 25th fall over the period I'm not at work to see if I need to fill out my payroll report and submit it to the payroll department. If you had a, "last/before" relative date it would be very useful. The logic would go something like this: the last Thursday before the 10th and the 25th, then I would enter…

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  7. Can you change the font and colour of the month at the top of the screen??

    Can you change the font and colour of the month at the top of the screen?

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  8. Facebook synced birthday color doesn't stay

    Don't know If I'm the only one but the Facebook birthdays don't stay the color I choose. After a few hours it defaults to teal

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  9. Allow for wrapped text

    Having wrapped text would allow one to see the full event title in the month view without it getting cut off since it doesn't fit on 1 line. Put it as an on/off switch in settings.

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  10. Sub events

    I would like to be able to add sub events like the sub tasks. For example I have 630A - 300P blocked off at work but I would like to add under the work event that I have a meeting with bob at 10 and a presentation at 12 etc. so that I don't have multiple events which are all for work. I wouldn't need to see them on the month view, only when I expand it to maybe the week but especially the day view.

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  11. 8 votes

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  12. Please, i need Holydays for croatia

    I coming from Croatia and i love AwesomeCalendar.

    I need the Holydays for Croatia. Can you make that maybe in the next update?

    Best Regards

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  13. 달력 넘김효과 너무 거슬리네요. 직전달에서 이번달로 넘어올때도 불필요하다는 말밖에 할말이 없네요

    좌우로 특별한 효과없이 넘어가는게 제일 좋지 않을까 생각되네요.
    그럼, 수고하세요.

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  14. Copy notes to multiple dates

    It would be nice to be able to easily copy notes into multiple dates. I am a teacher and am using awesome calendar as my lesson plan book. I see multiple classes on multiple days. I would like to copy a note as a whole and paste it in another day.

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  15. Whenever somebody in my group makes an event change it shows up on the calendar but nobody gets a sound alert notifying there was a change

    Whenever somebody in my group makes an event change it shows up on the calendar but nobody gets a sound alert notifying there was a change

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  16. 5 votes

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  17. Holy days

    Necesito días feriados en Colombia. i need holydays in Colombia South América. Thanks

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  18. Week starts on monday in half week view despite option off.

    Week starts on monday in half week view even when the option is off. Month and full week view ok.

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  19. I would like to see past years events in a monthly view.

    That way it's easier to see which days of the week the event fell on for business reasons.

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  20. 3 votes

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