3982 results found
대한민국 공휴일 일자에 빨간색 표시가 맞지 않아요.
휴일인줄 알고 출근 안할뻔 했네요. ㅎ1 vote -
Add Pilot Mountain, NC to town name list
Please add the town name "Pilot Mountain, NC"
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Great calendar, could the ‘recents’ emoji folder retain ‘all’ selections, this would save time trawling thro all the other folders, thankyou
Great calendar, could the ‘recents’ emoji folder retain ‘all’ selections, this would save time trawling thro all the other folders, thank-you
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Weather still doesn’t work period for any city! 1/10/19
here is Seoul,korea!!1 vote -
1 vote
Warum kann man keine eigene Töne einstellen ??
Eigene Töne einstellen. ! Warum ist solch eine simple Funktion nicht integriert ??
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1 vote
Make it so I can share my calendar with me spouse
I would love it if I could share my calendar with my husband. That way we can both have each other’s calendar on our iPhones
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Como se cambia al español la aplicación?
Como se cambia al español la aplicación?
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Como se cambia al español la aplicación?
Como se cambia al español la aplicación?
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빠른연동이 필요함
이기계저기계에서도 사용할 수 있는만큼 연동이 빨라야함 불규칙적으로 반복 되는 일정을 복사기능 외에도 날짜별로 선택해서 표시할 수 있었으면합니다
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Take out the ads. They’re annoying af :)
Delete ads. I don’t think anyone looks at them.
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Fix bug
I love your app; but, I’ve followed the instructions to stop the app from clearing past month’s records of scheduled appointments, and, everything still gets erased.
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How do I sinc this with Outlook on my desktop at work?
I used to be able to enter appointments on either outlook or on my phone calendar and they would sinc.
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1 vote
Gradient colours for backgrounds
A gradient of purple go yellow or white to turquoise.
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1 vote
검색기능에서 검색을 한번 입력하면 검색어가 유지되어 일정+미리보기+노트 모두 겅색되면 좋겠어요
검색기능에서 검색어을 한번 입력하면
검색어가 유지되어
일정+미리보기+노트 탭을 변경해도
모두 겅색되면 좋겠어요
지금은 각각 검색어를 입력해야 하니까요1 vote
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