It's a pain to now have to hit "show more details" when adding events. This forces an extra step and is inconvenient.
added an option which can disable the Natural Language Input in the app settings.
Andrea commented
I would also like to be able to opt out of that since almost everything I enter in I have a template set up for it.
Anonymous commented
As already mentioned: I know need 5 clicks to apply a templete, please undo!
Chris R commented
As I mainly use templates, this extra step could do with a way to switch it off please.
Jemma commented
Option to turn it off please!
Deniz commented
I seriously agree. Please do something about this!
Anonymous commented
And the german translation says: "more product details". Please Change to "Event Details" Or "Termin Details" instead
Anonymous commented
I thought so too until I learned how it works. You can type the whole event including times right into the first line and because it understands language now it creates it. i.e. Lunch with mom 11a-2p will result in an 11-2 event. But I'd like the option to pass on this feature.