Can you add a post it note feature see below my list hope this works
I hate the apple standard app so basic, basic has its benefits though
Loving yours so far i see you have a few changes planned I'd also,like to see
(We use ipads at work and are going paperless, I use my hard copy desk diary everyday I'm trying to move away form It and use apps but there's not one that quite does it, this is close though .)
I would like to see ( wish I could build apps)
- Page per day so a large list can be displayed, takes up the whole screen.
- On that page per day cant you just type a note straight onto the page like you do in note pad app, would save time, tap and the keyboard appears as its only a note.
- I'd like to see drag and drop an event to move things around
- can't your icon be like the apple version showing the day, badges are fine but would be better as a different icon, or has apple said no no to this.
- Seems to many clicks to edit and event front the month view 4 in total way to many
- On the iPad some of the icons / buttons are to close to each other
- What's the point of the badges ?? What would be perfect In the month view have the ability to put a post-it note on the screen with a quick reminder, say " call bob back " the when its done press an x to delete it.
- Okay very long list to top it off how about a keyboard update with cursors on it like in the Iwriter app
This is a bit of a list but you have a great feed back option especially where people can vote on items.
I have not found a Calendar / note taking app that's spot on this could be.... Keep up the good work. ( can we have this done by next week please :)