Allow us to delete individual holidays
I would prefer to be able to select the holidays I want to appear on my calendar. Many have no interest or bearing to me

ckrdflag2 commented
Whdragon commented
What's the point in voting or commenting. So far I've seen nothing implemented from any of the suggestions or posts actually stuff has been removed like being able to repeat an event which is now only an option in the paid version 🤬
Anonymous commented
Only want US holidays. This should be a user choice. Please give us the option to make that choice. Thank you
Paul Kim commented
Shirley Bennett commented
I’m not opposed to knowing when individual holidays are, but I don’t need to keep them in my square. The reason I want to delete holidays is simply visual. The more items in squares, the busier and more congested it looks.
Dave commented
You people don’t have to use the built in holidays, turn them off. I use a Google set for my country, have for years on many calendra apps. This app is the best I have found for IOS. You can do some of the work yourself.
Anonymous commented
Yes yes yes ! These holidays I don’t recognize bother me and I would be so happy to have the the option to remove them.
Janell commented
Agreed! I only want to see holidays that the banks and schools recognize. These less common holidays just clutter up our calendar. This calendar is on my phone, you know? I should have the option to make it according to my likes.