I'd like the ability to delete a read only entry
Some read only entries are not relevant to my day ie some holidays are not relevant to my state or sometimes my job and they take up valuable space. I'd also like to delete some appointments sent to me that are automatically entered into my diary

Anonymous commented
Most Likely need to do this from Calenders app that was in your original phone. It worked for me.
Wendy Wyllie commented
I agree, it clutters up my calendar and pushes important information out of view!
Anonymous commented
I'd like to be able to delete or edit READ only events
Anonymous commented
Why would MY calendar even have items that I can't edit AT ALL????
Anonymous commented
I too would like to do this as it clutters up my calendar!!!
Ryan commented
I'd like that, too. So you could hide holidays you don't observe for example.
Barb commented
When do we get an answer to this issue??