Bring back old way to enter event times!
The new way of entering the time of an event is too confusing and takes longer to use. Please bring back the old way!
Barbarian commented
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we have the old way back. It takes forever to change date and times.
I cannot get used to the new way. I hate it.
The old way was really quick and easy.
annstudio commented
Please go back to scroll dial to set date and time!
Rebecca commented
Haaate this new way! Please go back, it's clunky and awkward
Kathy commented
The improved version is very time consuming. Go back to old scroll table!
Mrs gray commented
The new way is bloody awful. Please please change back to the scrol table. Please
Jose commented
Give us the option to either use the new format or the old format. Personally, I prefer the old format.
I also lost all my past events when the new update was enforced. Looking back at past events (overtime work, detail hours, etc) to make sure my paycheck reflects the hours I worked and now I lost it all.
Anonymous commented
I hate the time zone. If I enter on my phone it show different on my tablet... Never had this problem in the old format... Been a paid user for years now thinking of changing
Daniel Tonon commented
It's confusing at first but once you get used to it, it's a faster way of selecting the date and time.
Maybe include it as an option for what format you want but I prefer the new way. -
Rebecka commented
I agree!