15 results found
Add symbols for the moon phases
Add symbols for the phases of the moon: New moon, half moon waxing, full moon, half moon waning
147 votes -
Copy/Paste Paste/Cancel
When you tap on an event to have this option Copy... and right away to have the month view where with one tap the event Paste-d on dates you want until you tap the button Paste/Cancel.
172 votes -
Set different alert sound tones for each event
Add the ability to select an alert sound tone from my list of (alert and ring tones) on my iDevice for each event. Currently limited to just one sound alert tone setup up in iOS Settings. For different types of mtgs / events / schedule reminders on my calendar I'd like to set different sound alerts to distinguish the events.
461 votes -
Faster check off of completed to-do list tasks
It would be great to be able to go down the to do list and just tap each task with a checkmark one at a time all the way down the list. As it is now you have to tap the task wait for a new screen to come up and then check off the task was completed. That's one extra step per task. One tap per task please
15 votes -
592 votes
The ability to add pictures as stickers or ability to create our own sticker (cut/paste from another app)
To add a picture as a sticker. To create a sticker by cut/paste. Stickers are to large! Please give option for sticker to be the background of that day or have the ability to resize (S,M,L)
225 votes -
42 votes
When event is created, can you create a tiny calendar that shows the month while in the screen. I like to see days of the week too.
Just want to see the days of the week and or a small calendar preferably. That way I can see where I plan to put events while in the event screen.
9 votes -
Give a week setting on alerts.
Please allow weeks as an option on the alerts settings . Moms need a lot of notice to schedule days off, carpools, kid's appointments and I get tired of always using custom alerts.
3 votes -
Add shift work option that allows a day to be completely colored differently to easily see if it is a work day or off day...
If there was a shift work option that allows the day to be a different color when working or off that would make this app better. I love the app but have to enter in every work day and time. Would be better if the days were shaded a different color for easy reference.
36 votes -
10 votes
The weekday name is extremely difficult to view
Please use diffident color or font to highlight the day
1 vote -
Add 24 hour clock option and have the time in minute increments
Have the option of 12 or 24 hour clock. I also work by the minute and would like minute increments instead of 5 minute increments
20 votes -
A more user friendly entry for todo due date
When entering a due date for todo item, I would like to see the calendar window and the entire month. For example if I want to set a due date for a to do list, I want to see whether it is Monday, Tuesday etc... and click do the desired day in the month view. Also recurring options for the due dates of the task would be wonderful.
17 votes -
10 votes
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