"To do" carry over
If something on your "to do" list doesn't get completed, have it carry over to the next day until it gets done.
This feature is available with latest update. Turn on “Rolling ToDo” option int AwesomeCal’s Settings.
Di commented
Roll over sdaily on tasks not completed. Leave the recurring tasks alone for months to come.
Fy commented
Yes and love to be able to repeat a to do rather than typing it every fortnight or whatever it is
Mindy commented
While you are at it fix the todo list. It is squished making it worthless. This happened after the iOS 7 update. Very useful feature.
Lee commented
Agree! N hope to repeat it n for daily task
Janine commented
Agreee!! That would be 100% useful!
Anonymous commented
This seems to be the same as the first suggestion under review. To do rollover
Willy.k.liu commented
This has been under review for a long time and so many people have requested this. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
Nathan Makinen commented
Good idea, but let the "carry over" idea be an option only, otherwise it could be annoying for users to continually clear their calendar to prevent clutter.
Claude commented
Very good. Add an option repeat on working days or not, weekly, monthly, until completed Also a reminder of the original due date would be useful. One can loose track of how, why or when such to-do was due.
Daniel commented
Rolling uncompleted tasks over to the next day or putting a duplicate task in at a later day would be helpful
Anonymous commented
I would love to see this feature. Thanks.
rene commented
Vendril Wolfblade commented
Please also add a "mark as incomplete and hide" option for less critical things that don't need to be done. I don't want to be forced to mark a todo complete just to hide it.
Vendril Wolfblade commented
As long as I could mark off unimportant items without having to incorrectly Tick done. A "mark as incomplete and hide" option perhaps?
Lawrence 'D' Denes commented
Absolutely! This is my number one request, for sure
each74909 commented
can't agree more!
Anonymous commented
Agreed. This would help keep from flipping screen to screen to see to-dos that still need to get done.
Anna Calvert commented
Completely agreed! I never can complete all my stuff done in one day, but next day forget.
Xiang commented
This would be a very useful idea
Xiang commented
Oft times there is not enough time to finish all tasks, so the carry over choice would be good